Saturday, December 17, 2011

I Am a Diabolical Mastermind!!!

I Am a Diabolical Mastermind!!!

That is the opinion of Judge James D. Humphrey, Dr. Edward J. Connor my ex-wife and others. It has been nearly five years since my ex-wife filed for divorce on January 8, 2007 and those few people continue to analyze and dissect my every action as an effort to undermine the peace and security of the world. Rather than accepting the fact I want my children to grow up spending equal time with both parents, even after I’ve missed nearly 2 ½ years with my daughters, they’re paranoid hatred of me has branded yours truly as their own Lex Luther. Branding me as an evil and diabolical menace, their only intention is to instill fear and panic into people and continue to insist my children should be protected from their diabolical father. Rather than concede that I am never going to lash out and I have never lashed out in a violent or illegal manner, they take the “sooner or later he’s gonna blow” mentality. So their contention is the longer I go without a violent eruption, the more dangerous I actually am. How can I be more dangerous by not engaging in illegal dangerous activity? A few days ago a good friend of mine summed up my situation with a perfect analogy. He said people like Humphrey, Connor and my ex-wife treat me like a 55 gallon drum of gasoline by a fire. They keep pushing the drum closer to the fire then go running and screaming “HE’S GONNA BLOW!” They run around telling the locals to fear for their lives because of the potential danger. They share all kinds of worst case scenarios of what may happen when the drum explodes. And then time passes and still no explosion. Soon the locals are caught scratching their heads because the danger did not come as predicted. They question the honesty and logic of those preaching the doomsday scenario. So what happens when there is no explosion? The doomsayers push the 55 gallon drum of gasoline closer to the fire with the hope “He’s gonna blow” to fulfill their twisted thinking and logic.
I’m not a 55 gallon drum of gas. I’m more like a 55 gallon drum of water. They’ve pushed and prodded and the worst they have drawn out of me is a little steam. I’m used to it. Unfortunately it has become a way of life for me. They just underestimated the level of “abuse” I was able to tolerate.
When my wife decided she wanted a divorce, she took our 10 month and 3 year old daughters to stay with her at her parents’ house on the days she determined to be “her” days with the girls. However, she would not allow me to exercise parenting time alone with our daughters because she now claimed I was dangerous. This is the same woman who left the children in my care while she worked nights as a nurse or when she went on three day weekend trips with friends. When she filed for divorce, I suddenly became dangerous. This is a period of time that she claimed she felt threatened by me. Despite her claims of alleged fear she would come home after working a late shift, 12:30AM, block my truck with her car, hide her keys and then spend the next 12 to 24 hours “monitoring” my parenting. She began stepping into feeding the girls, giving them bathes and normal child care/ parenting duties during my time with the girls. I could argue or let it go. I let it go. Then in court she claimed she primarily cared for the children. Then came the gun issue. I always stored two old fashioned style muzzle loaders under the couch with my modern guns locked in a closet. Now she suddenly declared my guns were dangerous and I never locked the closet. So I bought a gun safe. Now my oldest daughter who was 3 at the time took an interest in the big metal box in the house so I had to explain guns to her when previously I had never exposed my children to firearms. When she took an interest, I let her keep a plastic “toy” bb gun in the safe to teach her gun safety. When she was five, “Santa” brought her a pink bbgun. I was later vilified in court for giving “firearms training” to my daughter. If my ex-wife wouldn’t have pushed the issue regarding my guns safely stored in a locked closet, then the subject would never have come up with my daughter.
My life has been filled with “damned if I do, damned if I don’t” scenarios. During the course of this entire criminal trial/investigation (where my ex-wife volunteered to participate without being subpoenaed, she testified to living in fear, “double-checking locked doors”, looking over her shoulder, etc… Despite having no contact with my ex-wife for over two years this was the first time she had ever made any statement like this, even during the course of the divorce. Even though, during the course of my criminal proceedings, she testified that she lived in constant fear of me, I was vilified in both my divorce and my criminal trial for not jointly participating in the children’s activities with their mother. On one side my ex was expressing her horror about having to live life in fear of me gunning her down with a 357 magnum handgun, while at the same time she condemned me for not attending our daughter’s dance practice with her. Rather than questioning her absurd logic, my ex-wife receives praise as a “single mom” who is willing to risk her life in order to have the children’s psychotic gun-toting father present at dance practice. Of course when I did “participate” in my daughters lives. Finally, all my efforts to remain in meaningful contact with my children were described as my feeble attempts to demonstrate that I could be a primary parent and not because I loved them.
I may be the only parent who has ever been criticized for seeking medical attention for a 17 month old child experiencing breathing problems. When my youngest daughter was experiencing breathing problems I called the pediatrician’s office and they told me to bring her in. I called my wife to tell her the situation and she demanded that I wait for her in the doctor’s parking lot. I said I wasn’t going to make our 17 month old daughter wait for treatment just so my wife could walk in at the same time. Dr. Connor’s custody evaluation later stated the only reason I rushed my daughter to the doctor was to demonstrate I could be a primary parent. Never mind mentioning, that Daddy’s instincts were correct. My daughter needed breathing treatments for a few weeks. Do you know who gave the first treatments, unassisted? Daddy.
This has been my life for the past five years. I have been forced to defend the absurd time and time again. When I purchased a 357 magnum handgun I had to fend off “suspicions” that I may have let my five year old daughter shoot it. I applied for an Indiana handgun permit so I could transport a hand gun I was planning to purchase. Fear was expressed that I obtained a license to carry a handgun so I could legally carry the firearm to commit a crime. The ultimate absurdity lies in the fact that Humphrey, Connor, my ex-wife, and Prosecutor Negangard equate my level of dangerousness to the fact I own a 357 magnum. The 357 shouldn’t be the only issue as I own at least a half dozen other firearms. I am already less dangerous now that my Indiana handgun license is expired. If obtaining the permit made me more dangerous then not having the permit makes me less dangerous, right? If you see the ridiculousness of the previous statement, you are truly grasping the purpose of this blog post.
Dearborn County Sheriff Michael Kreinhop told a grand jury that he didn’t believe I even wanted to be with my daughters. He felt I was using my children for my First Amendment cause. Everything is just a part of my diabolical plan, isn’t it Mike. What Sheriff Kreinhop failed to tell the grand jury was that I started providing child care for my children during my 2 ½ year divorce long before any custody evaluations or websites.
My ex, Humphrey, and Connor claimed I only wanted Connor’s case file to harm my ex., actually it was after a meeting with attorney Donald Meyer, a Cincinnati attorney, where I got the idea of obtaining the case file. Mr. Meyer said the first thing a lawyer does in contesting a custody evaluation report is obtain a copy of the case file. During the criminal trial, Dr. Connor testified he feared I wanted the case file to post on my website. Dr. Connor lied at the criminal trial. I didn’t have any websites at the time I initially requested the case file. When I publicized Dr. Connor’s lies they charged me with attempting to obstruct justice in a legal proceeding in a different county. When I criticized Judge Humphrey for his rulings, they determined my intent wasn’t to instill public debate on family court issues, it was to instill fear in the Humphrey family. These people all insist that I am just acting like I love my children throughout the course of my five year diabolical plan to… That’s the problem. They can’t even give a halfway logical explanation as to what my alleged diabolical plan wishes to accomplish.
This situation might be comical if my daughters wouldn’t have had to go nearly 2 ½ years without a father. Whoever heard of a diabolical villain on a five-year plan who suffers from ADHD? My ex-wife testified that I couldn’t even keep the house clean. During the divorce, she claimed my ADHD was the reason for our failed marriage. During my criminal trial, 2 ½ year later, she claimed it was my Ritalin prescription, to treat the ADHD that might have been the problem. During the divorce proceedings, Dr. Connor testified he found my writings “confusing and difficult to follow” and also claimed my writings were “similar to those of individuals who have committed horrendous crimes against their families.” At my sentencing hearing 2 ½ years later, Dr. Connor testified that he found me to be intelligent and a very good writer. I guess that is why Dr. Connor is the high paid psychologist and I am not. I just can’t seem to find the logic in his thinking.
“He’s delusional, disgruntled, crazy, diabolical, etc…” These are all words that are used by people who do not want to address facts. I’ve listed Dr. Connor’s conflicting statements a million times, but all he has to do is come up with a plethora of psychological terms labeling me as delusional or disgruntled without any evidence or conduct to support his thinking. It is psychobabble without substance. Judge Humphrey can deny me of any parenting time with my children based on what he deems to be “irrational behavior and attacks on Dr. Connor” without reviewing the validity of my statements. Why let facts get in the way of protecting Dr. Connor? Prosecutor Negangard attacked me for criticizing the Indiana Court of Appeals when even Dr. Connor’s testimony demonstrated that the Court of Appeals was wrong and I was right. But no one wants to listen to facts because I am a diabolical madman.
Anyone who truly believes that I am going to “explode,” after dealing with what I have over the past five years, is clearly delusional. If these people truly felt I was dangerous they wouldn’t have continued to poke and prod at me for the past five years in the hopes I might harm someone. As I said earlier, my ex-wife would block me from leaving my home, create hostile tension, and then claim that she feared for her life, while also complaining that I did not jointly attend dance practices of my daughter’s. It makes about as much sense as Judge Humphrey allowing me to care for my daughters in the 2 ½ months it took him to decide I was an immediate danger to my children. Who is delusional? Who is attempting to protect the children? Prosecutor Negangard initiated a grand jury investigation of me 1 ½ years after I allegedly threatened Judge James D. Humphrey. Prosecutor Negangard argued the need for my $600,000 bond because I may be dangerous. For those keeping count, I’m heading into the sixth year since my ex-wife filed for divorce and I have yet to act out in a violent manner. Paranoia is an unrealistic fear that something or somebody is out to get you. My ex-wife, Dr. Connor, and Judge Humphrey have claimed I’ve been out to get them for up to five years yet nothing’s happened. Who’s paranoid now?
I’m no Lex Luther. As my ex-wife would claim that I lack the ability to focus long enough to tie my shoes, I find it hard to believe I’m capable of a five year diabolical plan. The only plan I have is to continue to fight to be a father. The only plan “they” have is to continue the lie to justify why they stripped two precious little girls of a loving father. My ex-wife continues to lie about fearing me. A person doesn’t barricade herself and her children inside a home with someone who she fears. People like my ex-wife hoped and prayed that I would lash out so they would have some justification as to why my daughters went so long without their father. I just hope my daughters never fully understand the role that mommy played in keeping me out of their lives. For all I’m concerned, all the blame can be placed on the child abusing Judge James D. Humphrey. Great, I did it again. I just gave the fragile Humphrey family more ammunition in their campaign to convince the world that Dan Brewington is a diabolical villain. Just a reminder, if you do not like the content of this blog, stop visiting.

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